What is the function of wax removal environmental cleaning agent

2020-08-18 1211

Wax removal environmental cleaning agent is a water-based surface active agent, supplemented with multiple cleaning agents such as components and solvents that have corrosion inhibition effect on metals, and has emulsifying ability to wax dust and dirt and cleaning power to oil. It has the functions of wax and oil removal, no corrosion to the workpiece, no discoloration, no oxidation and rust after cleaning,
除蜡作为五金电镀件前处理的首道工序,其速度的快慢、除蜡环保清洗剂Dewaxing is of great significance to the production of electroplating line. Selecting an excellent dewaxing agent can improve the dewaxing performance and then bring outstanding economic benefits.
文章源自:除蜡环保清洗剂 http://www.newstar-china.com