Why is the product foggy after acid copper plating? What is the primary reason

2015-08-22 1354

(1) The cylinder opening agent Mu is insufficient. At this time, a proper amount of cylinder opening agent mu can be added for verification. If there is no change, it can be denied.
(2)B剂过高。这时可采取适当稀释溶液并补充适量其他光亮剂,若见有效即可以为是B剂过高,可按比例予 以调整,也可用双氧水来降低其含量。
(3)溶液遭到油污祷染。可以用肉眼察看,也可用双氧水、活性!炭结合处置,处置后加足光亮剂、添加剂 后试镀,确认有效后可按此{法停止处置,此法也适用除去溶液中的有机杂质。
(6)溶液中有铁杂质的存在。酸铜镀铜溶液中存在少量铁离子对镀铜层质量无分明影响,这是因为铜的电位 较正之故,但当铁的含量过高时也会呈现镀层发雾

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