Copper -- red copper, brass, white copper, bronze

2015-08-18 1088

Red copper, also known as pure copper, is sometimes called red copper. It is copper with high copper content. The total content of other impurities is less than 1%, the density is 8.96, and the melting point is 1083 ℃. It has good thermal conductivity and conductivity, excellent plasticity, high corrosion resistance, easy to hot press and cold press processing. It is named for its purple white color. A small amount of it is used to manufacture wires, cables, brushes, special copper for electric spark and other products with good conductivity. Sometimes a small amount of deoxidizing elements or other elements are added to improve the material and performance, so it is also classified as copper alloy. In addition, red copper has good weldability and can be made into various semi-finished products and finished products through cold and thermoplastic processing. Chinese red copper processing materials can be divided into four categories according to composition: ordinary red copper (T1, T2, T3, T4), oxygen free copper (TU1, TU2 and high-purity, vacuum oxygen free copper), deoxidized copper (TUP, tumn), and special copper (arsenic copper, tellurium copper, silver copper) with a small amount of alloying elements.
黄铜,即以锌作主要添加元素的铜合金,统称黄铜。铜锌二元合金称普通黄铜或称复杂黄铜。三元以上的 黄铜称特殊黄铜或称复杂黄铜。含锌低於36%的黄铜合金由固溶体组成,具有良好的冷加工性能,如含锌 30%的黄铜常用来制作弹壳,俗称弹壳黄铜或七三黄铜。含锌在36~42%之间的黄铜合金由和固溶体组成 ,其中最常用的是含锌40%的六四黄铜。为了改善普通黄铜的性能,常添加其他元素,如铝、镍、锰、锡 、硅、铅等。铝能提高黄铜的强度、硬度和耐蚀性,但使塑性降低,适协作海轮冷凝管及其他耐蚀零件。 锡能提高黄铜的强度和对海水的耐腐性,故称海军黄铜,用作船舶热工设备和螺旋桨等。铅能改善黄铜的 切削性能;这种易切削黄铜常用作钟表零件。黄铜铸件常用来制作阀门和管道配件等。
白铜,即以镍为主要添加元素的铜合金。铜镍二元合金称普通白铜;加有锰、铁、锌、铝等元素的白铜合 金称复杂白铜。工业用白铜分为构造白铜和电工白铜两大类。构造白铜的特点是机械性能和耐蚀性好,色 泽美观。这种白铜普遍用於制造精细机械、化工机械和船舶构件。电工白铜一般有良好的热电性能。锰铜 、康铜、考铜是含锰量不同的锰白铜,是制造精细电工仪器、变阻器、精细电阻、应变片、热电偶等用的 材料。
青铜,原指铜锡合金,后除黄铜、白铜以外的铜合金均称青铜,并常在青铜名字前冠以第一主要添加元素 的名。锡青铜的铸造性能、减摩性能好和机械性能好,适合於制造轴承、蜗轮、齿轮等。铅青铜是现代发 起机和磨床普遍使用的轴承材料。铝青铜强度高,耐磨性和耐蚀性好,用於铸造高载荷的齿轮、轴套、船 用螺旋桨等。铍青铜和磷青铜的弹性极限高,导电性好,适於制造精细弹簧和电接触元件,铍青铜还用来 制造煤矿、油库等使用的无火花工具。

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