How is the development of cyanide free copper plating technology in China in recent years

2015-08-11 1106

The alkaline copper plating process with cyanide as ligand (complexing agent) has been the primary plating and pre plating process for many kinds of coatings. Due to the consideration of environmental protection and operation safety, the use of cyanide has been strictly restricted. Therefore, the task of developing the copper plating process instead of cyanide has always been an important topic in electroplating industry. By tomorrow, there is no new process that can completely replace the cyanide copper plating process. However, when certain conditions are met, there are also some copper plating processes that can replace the cyanide copper plating, such as pyrophosphate copper plating, HEDP copper plating, prepreg strong adsorption barrier active materials such as allyl thiourea copper plating.
后两者的改良型工艺,与其他开发初期的水平有较大的停顿,特别是HEDP镀铜工艺,在采用了辅佐配位体 和开收回新的添加剂后,镀铜层与钢铁基体的结合强度有很大的提高。经采用电化学任务站停止阴极极化 曲线和恒定电流电位-时间曲线的测定,应用弯迂回断法停止临界起始电流密度(即保证镀层结合强度的最 小初始电流)的测试和镀层结合强度的定量测定,后果表明:辅佐配位剂的参加利市了铜析出时的阴极极 化,降低了临界起始电流密度,当用1ASD的电流密度停止起始电镀时,可使铁的表面在铜沉积前失掉更充 沛的活化,使镀铜层与铁基体的结合强度提高到6416.38N/cm2,已接近铜上电镀铜的水平。

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