New star guides you to choose your own industrial cleaning agent

2015-05-05 1001

(1) in the process of processing, due to the requirements of processing technology (such as cooling, lubrication, abrasive, surface treatment, heat treatment, etc.), the metal has various oil stains. This kind of oil is mostly mineral oil, but also animal and vegetable oil, emulsion, polishing paste, grinding paste, and various salts. The composition of this kind of oil stain is relatively simple, the time it exists on the metal surface is relatively short, the adhesion is not strong, and it is easy to remove. Therefore, it is sufficient to select a normal temperature cleaner that has no corrosion effect on metals, and the demand for other targets of the cleaner is not high. In the component selection of cleaning agents, aliphatic hydrophobic surfactants are mostly used for animal and vegetable oily oil. Aromatic hydrophobic surfactants are mostly used in mineral oil pollution.
  (2)、长时间封存的机械、零件等金属外表上的油污多为防锈油、防锈脂、气相防锈剂和水溶性缓蚀剂。因 为这类油污的组份对比杂乱,与金属粘附严密,加之时间长,组分挥发、自聚,甚至发作物理、化学的改变, 清洁起来对比艰难。这就需求根据不一样状况选用清洁剂。关于防锈油脂一类的厚层油污可采用加温清洁剂进 行启封,然后再清洁,这样可大大提高启封清洁效率。关于薄层油及气相缓蚀剂、水溶性缓蚀剂,则用加温或 常温两种清洁剂均可。
  (3)、清洁目标经工作运用今后发生的油污就对比杂乱。这类油污大多为各种润滑油、燃料油等,加上其它 工业污物、尘土、金属粉末。因为时间长,工作状况杂乱及各种因素的影响,此类油污成份杂乱,附着牢固, 清洁对比艰难。通常应对于油污成分的不一样选用专用清洁剂,例如,发动机积碳的清洁要用除积碳清洁剂。 水垢的清洁要用除垢清洁剂等。

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