What are the advantages of wax washing king_ Wax removal environmental cleaning agent - xinsida Chemical Trade Co., Ltd

2018-05-10 1191

1. Environmental protection:

No halogen, no ODS, zero emission, low toxicity, small odor, meeting the requirements of clean production.

2. Cost saving:

It can be recycled, save labor, reduce evaporation loss and extend the service life of plating solution.

3. Improve cleaning quality:

It has no corrosion, residue and watermark to the metal, and can eliminate the dirt of blind hole, tooth hair branch, bolt rod and gap.

4. Progressive power:

It is not necessary to change the hanger or reduce the frequency of liquid change; No need to wipe water, after cleaning, it can directly enter the vacuum plating furnace; Simplify the process and complete the wax and oil removal at one time.

Article source: wax removal environmental cleaning agent - xinsida Chemical Trade Co., Ltd
