What is the effect of cyanide free alkali copper_ Fast hard chromium additive - xinsida Chemical Trade Co., Ltd

2018-04-24 1290

Experimental method

(1) Hull cell experiment

The hull cell was used for experimental installation, and 250ml of plating solution was taken to stop the test.

(2) brightness test

Compared with the coating brightness under the opposite current density.

(3) test of dispersion ability

The coating thickness of two points a and B is measured by the hull cell test piece method and the thickness gauge. The dispersion can be calculated by the formula: TP = A / b.


  TP— Disperse ability

  a— The plating thickness (current region 6A / DM2) at a distance of 2.5cm from the high current region.

  b— The plating thickness at 7.5cm apart from the high current area (current area 1A / DM2).

(4) test of deep plating ability

The method of inserting piece into the pipe is adopted. CP% = plating thickness / total length & times; 100%, three pieces are tested for each process, and the front and back sides of the coating are measured for each piece.

(5) coating adhesion and brittleness test

1 thermal shock method: place the workpiece after plating in the oven and place it in 200 & plusmn; After 60 minutes of constant temperature at 10 ℃, take it out immediately and put it into cold water for quenching. Check whether the coating is bubbling and scattered.

2 bending method: bend the test piece after plating to see if the coating is scattered.

(6) the coating has strong impurity resistance

Participated in the degreasing agent in the hull cell experiment, and compared the film brightness and brightness range of 0.2A test piece.

(7) bonding force of passivation film

Electroplate the workpiece for a period of time, passivate it after exposure to light, observe the surface of the passivation layer, and test the bonding force of the passivation layer through tape and eraser.

8. Neutral salt spray test

Distinguish between acid zinc and alkali zinc plating, and then conduct black passivation with 271 trivalent chromium, and then stop neutral salt spray test according to GB / t10125-1997.

Article source: fast hard chromium additive - xinsida Chemical Trade Co., Ltd