2018-06-15 1274
1. Strong cleaning and decontaminationThe modified hydrocarbon cleaning agent has a strong solubility in polishing wax, paste, adhesive, lubricating grease, antirust oil, emulsified processing oil, et
2018-05-10 1191
1. Environmental protection:No halogen, no ODS, zero emission, low toxicity, small odor, meeting the requirements of clean production.2. Cost saving:It can be recycled, save labor, reduce evaporation
2018-04-24 1290
Experimental method(1) Hull cell experimentThe hull cell was used for experimental installation, and 250ml of plating solution was taken to stop the test.(2) brightness testCompared with the coating b
2018-03-23 1282
2018-02-07 1374
稀土镀铬溶液Rare earth chromium plating solution was later called low chromium chromium plating solution, also known as low concentration chromium plating process. Strictly speaking, these two titles have
2017-10-28 1295
实木地板清洁时需求使用化学的地板清洁剂,这至于家中的宠物或许正值满地爬年纪的小朋友来说,存在着健康隐患。有什么健康又天然的资料能够替代市售的清洁剂呢?淘米水中的淀粉质除了去污,更可让木头地板宣布自然的光泽。淘米水除了能够擦地板,还能够除掉茶垢,用来浇花可滋补花木,是十分有利用价值的东西。Refined salt地板上留有蛋迹,可在蛋粘处撒上一些Refined salt,过10-15分钟后扫地,地板
2017-07-05 1200
After the metal workpieces are polished by polishing wax, the dust and dirt on the surface are mainly white wax, fatty acid, rosin soap, metal oxide, abrasive, mineral oil, animal and vegetable oil, n
2017-06-03 1087
一 商品用处 :首要用于钢铁黑色金属、合金钢制品组件及资料的工序间防锈、短期防锈及封存防锈;特别适用于防锈期较长、请求无残留不油腻、请求不挂灰粉的场合。II. Functional features:不含亚硝酸钠等有毒有害物质。防锈功用强,具有防锈钝化两层作用,可替代钢铁钝化剂,起钝化作用;又可替代一般防锈油,起油膜关闭防锈作用。本品彻底杜绝了传统水基防锈的浮灰残留疑问,又杜绝了传统防锈油的油腻
2016-11-25 1233
How can the polishing wax, polishing paste, oil stain and other residues on the surface of the stainless steel products during the processing process be quickly removed, without watermarks, without c
2016-07-20 1153
During industrial cleaning, the effect of chemical agents on the dissolution of dust is used to remove the dust. The essence is that the industrial cleaner dissolves the dust from the surface of the