2015-09-11 1112
1. Colored gases include: F2 (light * 1 *), Cl2 (yellow green), Br2 (gas, red brown), NO2 (red brown); Other gases are colorless.2、但凡可溶于水或许可跟水反响的气体都具有安慰性气息;如有安慰性气息的有:HX、NH3、SO2、NO2、F2、Cl2、Br2(气)3、但凡有
2015-09-07 1072
1. Corrosion resistance: the corrosion resistance of the grounding body directly determines the service life of the substation grounding grid. The corrosion of the grounding body mainly includes surf
2015-08-29 1045
1. Long service life: copper plated steel grounding materials shall be applied with a copper layer with a surface thickness of 0.254mm for corrosion resistance. At the same time, the intermolecular i
2015-08-27 1089
1. Corrosion resistance: the corrosion resistance of the grounding body directly determines the service life of the substation grounding grid. The corrosion of the grounding body mainly includes surf
2015-08-24 1094
Extraction of black liquor: separate the black liquor from the pulp and try to increase its concentration. The concentration of wood pulp black liquor extraction is about 1015%, and the concentration
2015-08-22 1352
(1) The cylinder opening agent Mu is insufficient. At this time, a proper amount of cylinder opening agent mu can be added for verification. If there is no change, it can be denied.(2)B剂过高。这时可采取适当稀释
2015-08-20 1083
1. Cleaning:清洁是重要的一环。一般清洁是有两个工序,化学除油( 在碱性溶液中借助皂化作用和乳化作用肃 清制件表面油污的进程 ) 及电解除油 (在含碱溶液中,以制件作为阳极或阴极,在电流作用下,肃清制件 表面油污的过)。就是把镀件打磨后遗留的蜡/油和灰尘洗去, 假如清洁做得不好,会影响往后的镀层粘附 力。2.镀铜:清洁后, 需要先镀铜, 起打底作用 (就仿佛女孩子化装打底一样),让最后的
2015-08-18 1088
Red copper, also known as pure copper, is sometimes called red copper. It is copper with high copper content. The total content of other impurities is less than 1%, the density is 8.96, and the melt
2015-08-15 1078
(1) oil removal 碳酸钠15~20 g/L,碳酸氢钠5~10 g/L,焦磷酸钠10~20 g/L,硅酸钠1—2 g/L,40~70℃。 (2)碱蚀 碱蚀的目的是除去铝合金表面的氧化膜,取得比较理想的微观粗糙度,同时进一步除油,以增强镀层 的结合力[2]。BNC-99 30~60g/L,30~50℃,0~180s。 (3)出光 碱蚀后铝合金表面会残留一层由硅、铜等
2015-08-11 1103
The alkaline copper plating process with cyanide as ligand (complexing agent) has been the primary plating and pre plating process for many kinds of coatings. Due to the consideration of environmenta